Celebrating Christmas with Artificial Trees and Mediterranean Cuisine

The Rise of Artificial Christmas Trees

Since their introduction in the 1930s, artificial Christmas trees have significantly increased in popularity. Today, they are a common sight in homes and businesses worldwide during the holiday season. While the reasons for choosing an artificial tree vary, they generally offer a cost-effective, low-maintenance, and eco-friendly option to those who prefer not to cut down real trees.

With the Middle East being home to the first-ever Christmas trees, it’s interesting to see how the tradition has evolved in different regions. Many Middle Eastern countries use natural pine trees, while others opt for artificial trees for convenience or sustainability.

Combining Tradition and Cuisine

Holiday celebrations go hand in hand with food; Mediterranean cuisine, in particular, is known for its delicious and vibrant flavors. Picture this: a beautifully decorated artificial Christmas tree, with family and friends gathered around enjoying a spread of mezze, hummus, tabbouleh, kebabs, and Baklava.

While it may seem unusual, incorporating Mediterranean food into a Christmas feast is familiar; countries like Lebanon and Syria have been doing it for centuries. However, with the rise in popularity of artificial trees, more people are embracing the idea of pairing the tradition with Mediterranean cuisine.

For instance, Cold Springs, New York, has hosted a “Festival of Trees and Mediterranean Food” event for the last ten years. It attracts visitors from near and far, who enjoy the combination of holiday festivities and the distinct flavors of Mediterranean food.

Regarding Mediterranean cuisine, the options are endless, and the same goes for artificial Christmas trees. Whether you prefer a classic pine tree or a modern design, the many varieties available mean you can choose one that fits your style and preferences.


In conclusion, artificial Christmas trees have become a global tradition, offering a sustainable and convenient option for celebrating the holiday season. We can add a unique and flavorful twist to our Christmas celebrations by incorporating Mediterranean cuisine. The possibilities are endless: hummus and pita bread or a warm bowl of shakshuka. So, why not mix things up this year and add some Mediterranean flair to your holiday festivities?